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如果您曾经搜索过有关咖啡的视频,那么您很可能看过James Hoffmann。 虽然 James 在 YouTube 上巩固了自己作为首选咖啡专家的地位(该平台上的社区拥有近 200 万订阅者),但他直到进入咖啡豆业务后才开始自己喝这种饮料。 “我在开始喝咖啡之前就开始从事咖啡工作,这有点奇怪,”他说。“我在伦敦一家不错的百货公司展示小型浓缩咖啡机。我不知道自己在做什么,但我对咖啡的了解和发现越多,我就越感兴趣。它很快就变成了一种全面的痴迷。” 单击此处立即开始使用 Shopify 在线销售 这种痴迷导  台湾 WhatsApp 号码列表 致詹姆斯在咖啡领域发展了多方面的职业生涯,包括赢得世界咖啡师锦标赛、开设Square Mile Coffee Roasters以及收购一家名为Prufrock Coffee的咖啡馆。 然而他最大的热情是与他人分享他从所 有这些经历中学到的东西。 一名工人走在 Square Mile Coffee Roasters 内烘焙咖啡豆的机器旁。 在加入 YouTube 之前,James 在咖啡方面拥有丰富的经验,从赢得世界咖啡师锦标赛到经营一家烘焙店和咖啡馆。平方英里咖啡烘焙商 詹姆斯开始通过博客在网上分享他的咖啡知识,并最终在 YouTube 上找到了自己。 不要错过任何一集!订阅 Shopify 大师。 在与Learn with Shopify和Shopify Masters 的最新视频播客合作中,James 分享了他创建与利基社区产生共鸣的内容的技巧。 1.克服对公开失败的恐惧 开始任何新事物都会有一个学习曲线。对于内容创作来说,让公众看到你的学习过程和失败的尝试会带来额外的压力。对于詹姆斯来说,这是一个需要克服的重要障碍。 “我讨厌公开失败,”詹姆斯承认。“但我不得不这么做。我想我只是接受这是制作视频过程的一部分。 詹姆斯·霍夫曼 穿 着蓝色衬衫,在伦敦的普鲁弗洛克咖啡馆 (Prufrock Coffee) 享用一杯咖啡。…

It doesn’t matter if you take a brand that has been on. Social networks for a long time, or you are going to start using social networks for the first time. A brand only grows on the Internet in its social networks if it works with strategy, with care, with affection, and with time. Managing…

The usefulness of social networks , what Social Networks are for , is a very old topic of discussion but one that, in my case at least, I continue to be asked in the trainings I give. If you are thinking about working as a community manager , or are looking for information about the…

We all want to sell with social networks , and social media helps you do that: to bring your potential customers to your website to convert. But if you don’t have a strategy beforehand, all the steps you take will come to nothing. You will not find a good social media strategy in this post…

Although some time ago AdWords established itself. As the almighty of online advertising, currently it. Has to compete with another giant such as Facebook. If it was already difficult to decide whether to invest or not, now we also ask ourselves; Facebook Ads or Google Ads? Over time, new forms of online advertising have appeared,…

Who would like to know some of the strategies used by some of the best bloggers in Spain? If you are one of those who are looking for examples of strategies to improve traffic to your website or blog , in this article 11 professionals will tell you their best strategies to generate visits! I…

Did you know that the biography of a website is one of the most visited pages by users? It’s funny, but your biography, also called about me page, will be ahead of even many of your SEO-optimized articles. Your bio does not have to be SEO optimized. Then you will ask yourself ‘what is one…

Have you ever launched a giveaway on Instagram or haven’t you dared yet? Raffles, contests and challenges on social networks have become a very effective marketing strategy to gain visibility and get new followers. In fact, those who use this type of strategy gain followers 70% faster than those who do not use it. However,…